Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Those tricky little .. PICKLES!

So I know this sounds mentally strange, but THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW! It wasn't until recently that I learned the TRUTH about pickles. Those damn tricky little.... cucumbers? If you are also idiotic like yours truly then you are gaping at the computer screen with your mouth wide open thinking ... huh? how the?...!!! Yes, I know my fellow minions (i like that word), pickles are just cucumbers that are pickled. DUH! what does that exactly mean? Well, good thing for you, I researched it.
According to wikipedia, a pickle is a cucumber that has been "pickled in a brine, vinegar, or other solution and left to ferment for a period of time." Sounds kind of disgusting, but then again they are so scrumptious. So in conclusion, pickles are cucumbers BUT cucumbers are not pickles!
Now my other concern is, am I a hypocrite if I LOVE pickles, but despise cucumbers? Does this mean that I do love cucumbers, but just ones that are in disguise? Oh the trickery! I didn't even know I was being a hypocrite until a couple months ago. Now I examine pickles and see their cucumber-ness. They are still delicious of course, but after knowing the truth.... pickles will never be the same!