Monday, November 16, 2009

Princess Jasmine

So around halloween time, I was looking for a princess jasmine headpiece to go with my costume. I went to target to see if they might have something in the toy aisle... and i get to the princesses and guess what!... no princess jasmine. There is cinderella, snow white, Aurora (sleeping beauty), and Ariel. Where did Jasmine go?

Then the other day I was at disneyland and in the parade there was no Princess Jasmine! She is a princess right? Then I also point out that Pocahontas wasn't invited to be a part of the parade either. Are these princesses not princessy enough... or not white enough!!! DUN DUN DUN. DISNEY! what are they going to do with the princess from the new movie.. she's black! does she get to be a part of the white princess crew or does she get thrown to the side with Princess Jasmine and Pocahontas?


Korean BBQ

Why is Korean BBQ so addictive? Why am I always craving it?

My theory is the KimChi! or or or... they soak the meat in some addictive ingredient before they give it to you. Whatever it is... i always want to eat it!

Who wants to go with me? =)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When you type "how to" in google...

The top ten things that show up are...

1. how to tie a tie
2. how to kiss
3. how to get pregnant
4. how to lose weight
5. how to lose weight fast
6. how to make a website
7. how to write a resume
8. how to solve a rubix cube
9. how to get rid of fruit flies
10. how to draw

interesting... right?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Nanny's Fanny

Here is a poem I wrote with someone as a late night game. =) check it out.

The Nanny's Fanny

there once was a nanny

who had a big fanny

she took good care of the kids

and bought them a dog named sid

but what they didn't conspire was that the dog was a vampire

scaring all the kids on the street

he would growl and show his sharp teeth

and eat only bloody meat

But not just any meat, of course

Children Meat!

but one kid had a plan!

he ran and ran until he came to an old man

Then= old man told him a story..

"son, i had a vampire dog once. he wasn't half bad except when chewed up my uncle chad

"so what do i do?" said the poor boy

"just feed him some extra human meat to bring him some joy"

Ahh the boy thought, i know just what to do

i'll let him have some of my nanny's big caboose

that will sure get sid the dog to lose!

So the boy went back home and sent the dog to the nanny.

sid was excited when he saw her fanny.

he chewed it all up and she didn't even know.

and thats the end of the show!

Monday, September 21, 2009

o0o0o0h.... aaaaah... pencils, sharpies, binders!

I know this may sound ridiculous, but I just wanted to embrace the fact that stationary excites me. I have always known this about myself, but I have never truly embraced it. I went into staples today and I felt like I was a kid in a candy store. There were so many colors, shapes, sizes, and styles of everything you could ever want on your desk and in your backpack. Seeing all the different kinds of stationary (many things that weren't even invented when I was in grade school) really made me want to go back to school. There was this pencil holder that strapped onto your binder and it was only $1.50! I almost bought it, but then I realized that I don't have a binder to clip in to at the moment. I am also amazed by pens and all the colors they can come in. I love sampling them and seeing which colors looks good together. I think the only reason that I tended to be so organized when it came to school work was because I loved using stationary so I color coordinated and separated by tabs and folders. I miss being able to use all this stationary, but as a writer I always find little ways to sneak some cool stationary into doing my work. So for all you out there still in school, embrace all the cool things you can do to stay organized because you will miss it! (does that even make sense? lol)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I'm A MOM!

Okay people! Don't freak out... i didn't just give birth, but i do have a little miracle. see that cutie above! yesh i do yesh i do. it's my cutie widdle puppies awwwwwww. sorry for the baby talk, but that (plus some barks) is how i communicate with my baby twitch. So she is the reason I have been so MIA with writing this week.
She is my little treasure that I found this week. She is about four weeks old now and such a great companion already. And and and..... SHE IS ADORABLE!
I never understood why some people were so crazy about their pets all the time until I found Twitch (she is a spaz when she sleeps). I am gaga over this little one! so gaga that I gave up my friday night to spend time with her and clean her poo. It always used to bother me when i had to dog sit and clean it's poo. (one time i even cried cuz it smelled so bad) But now that it is my own puppy, it doesn't phase me at all. It feels normal. i really feel like a mommy especially when i bottle feed twitch her formula milk.
I have been so busy with her, but I'll get back to writing interesting things soon!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

MTV-- Music? Television Network

Are you as confused as little ol' me when you flip to the MUSIC television network and see shows such as "sixteen and pregnant", "next", "parental control", and other such reality shows? What happened to the MTV I used to watch while growing up? I would flip to channel 12 and watch the top 40 music videos and sometimes even dance along! BUT NOW.... I have to go on youtube to find my favorite music videos because the music channel no longer plays any freakin' music! It's so frustrating sometimes! MTV needs to go back to it's old ways and play good shows and good music so i'll actually enjoy watching it again!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Four Starbucks Double Shots Does The Trick!

So over this weekend, I only had about 8 hours of sleep total because I'm 21 years old in a city with so much to do now! When i was 20 (about a month ago), it seemed as if i had done everything in LA. Well was i wrong because ever since july 4 my ID has become this ticket into a fun life.
Let's start with friday night. My neighbor has a cousin who is an artist signed on Universal India and this guy was shooting a music video next door which I was invited to. So i got dressed and headed over. It was practically a party which was totally awesome because I was so energized. Anyway, It didn't end until 2 am and then we decided to head over to Mocha Salsa, because a night is never complete without some Mocha Salsa. So I get home at 3 am with an early morning ahead of me.
My best friends birthday celebration was on Saturday night and we decided to go out to a club in hollywood. I was drained from the night before, but it's my best friend! (STARBUCKS DOUBLE SHOT NUMBER 1!!! )so we got dressed and headed out there. This is the best thing about being a woman--- NO LINE! NO PAY! we walked right up to the front, flashed our special ID tickets, and walked right in! The DJ was horrible, but we continued to dance our little bootys away. We ended up staying until almost 3 00 am and sleeeping at 4!!!
My lovely little alarm went off at 6 am on Sunday morning! Time for disneyland!!!!! (STARBUCKS DOUBLE SHOT NUMBER 2) Disneyland is so awesome and it doesn't become any less awesome with age, at least for me. I love it. I was tired by lunch so i had to refeul. (STARBUCKS DOUBLE SHOT NUMBER 3).
After getting home and taking a quick shower, we decided to head out to downtown fullerton. My eyes were half shut, but it was our friends 21st birthday!!!! (STARBUCKS DOUBLE SHOT NUMBER 4) It was karaoke night! YAY! so i sang BABY GOT BACK!!!!
Now it's Monday evening and I am finally refueled with sleep! Thank god, but honestly I would do it exactly the same if I had the chance to do it again.
So what is this little story about? It's a story about enjoying your youth! I haven't had that much fun in such a long time. I know that it would be impossible to do all the time, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to party all weekend soon enough! Usually I'm asleep before midnight even if I'm out, but thanks to STARBUCKS DOUBLE SHOTS ... I can unhealthily stay up all weekend! =D

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Heaven begins with C and ends with -OSTCO

I know it's like putting a wholesale superstore on a pedestal, but it's so hard not to. Not only can you conveniently shop in their large aisles while getting more for your buck (a lot more), you can have a balanced lunch by checkout time for FREE! am i cheap you ask? oh yes indeed. There are samples beyond samples at all times of the day and no one cares how much you take! No purchase necessary. Here's how I like to plan my route.
First I go down the food aisles, skipping the first two which are nuts and candy. There are at least five samples going down this way which usually resemble something like soup, salad, beans, granola, etc. Appetizer?... check. Then I mosey on over to the freezer aisle where I can happily find some dino nuggets, corn dogs, sweet potato fries, and all the other frozen food delights. This is where my meal really begins. Yum Yum Yum!!!
Then it's off to sample the meats and cheeses... that's almost my favorite part! but at the end of this lunch, if I am really lucky.... there is a lady in a red apron and white cap waiting for me at the end of the meat aisle holding out a piece of cheese cake in my direction. I love that lady.... is she god? cuz costco is heaven and all? I don't know, but it's as if once you walk into this sanctuary of happiness, reality is left at the door or the checkout stand if you actually buy something.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Those tricky little .. PICKLES!

So I know this sounds mentally strange, but THE PEOPLE MUST KNOW! It wasn't until recently that I learned the TRUTH about pickles. Those damn tricky little.... cucumbers? If you are also idiotic like yours truly then you are gaping at the computer screen with your mouth wide open thinking ... huh? how the?...!!! Yes, I know my fellow minions (i like that word), pickles are just cucumbers that are pickled. DUH! what does that exactly mean? Well, good thing for you, I researched it.
According to wikipedia, a pickle is a cucumber that has been "pickled in a brine, vinegar, or other solution and left to ferment for a period of time." Sounds kind of disgusting, but then again they are so scrumptious. So in conclusion, pickles are cucumbers BUT cucumbers are not pickles!
Now my other concern is, am I a hypocrite if I LOVE pickles, but despise cucumbers? Does this mean that I do love cucumbers, but just ones that are in disguise? Oh the trickery! I didn't even know I was being a hypocrite until a couple months ago. Now I examine pickles and see their cucumber-ness. They are still delicious of course, but after knowing the truth.... pickles will never be the same!